StarTrekAngel. " Sorry for the long post"
The Rebel, well I don't envy you having to read your way through this " long" thread tomorrow.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
StarTrekAngel. " Sorry for the long post"
The Rebel, well I don't envy you having to read your way through this " long" thread tomorrow.
The Rebel.
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Cofty " The trinity booklet" produced by the society, certainly made me aware of the deceptive, dishonest and deliberately misleading way they produced their literature. And it clarified to me why when they sourced material, they failed to provide the page or volume of the quote.
Anyway thank you for your viewpoint and allowing me to express mine.
The Rebel
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Thank you for your reply Cofty.
Cofty "The doctrine of the trinity evolved over centuries of debate amoung the most senior theologians in Christendom"
The Rebel (A) Agreeed.
Cofty " Without the use of words no concept of the trinity would exist"
The Rebel (A) Langage has its limitations. In the trinity brochure the organisations part quotes the Catholic Church " The trinity is beyond comprehension and understanding" the complete quote, from memory is "but this does not mean it can not be apprehended by the human mind"
Cofty " So I am asking a totally reasonable question".
The Rebel (A) Agreeed. But I also believe i gave a totally reasonable answer.
As to your illustration I could not give an answer to that question as I am an athiest. However I do believe that I am. I also believe that " I am" is all that I can know with 100% assurance. I also accept a Christian has a belief in God, and I accept this can not be proven in words. Neither can it be proven what a spirit is in words. In fact the only answer they can give is " I know". And who am I to say they don't?
The Rebel.
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
The FACT is it is ASSUMPTIVE, to assume all questions can be answered in words.Language is just something invented by people to communicate. But it is a FACT that it has its limitations.
The Rebel
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Yes Cofty that is my point. I also clarified why I felt that.
The Rebel.
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Cofty I appreciate you pointing out your comments and beliefs. In fact I agree with them.
However where we differ, is that in my opinion on a question of faith " I know" is not a non answer. I believe it is ASSUMPTIVE to assume all questions can be answered by words.
have a nice evening.
The Rebel.
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Cofty, The reason I said in another post the opposite of love is knowledge, is because it has been evident to me that knowledge is often very unloving.
May I ask why Ucant needs to use words to state the basic tenet of his faith to you?
Why is someone saying "I know" to a question on faith, not a good enough answer for you?
The Rebel
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
In my opinion the only thing that i can be 100% certain of is " I am"
I am therefore of the opinion that whilst a Christian can't prove God exists, and neither do I believe that they can explain the trinity succinctly, this doesn't mean that God doesnt exist, and I accept as a satisfactory answer "I know"
My personal viewpoint may be different but I accept someone saying " I know" as a satisfactory answer, because I can't offer conclusive proof they are wrong.
The Rebel.
i found this great article.
it's rather long but a good read for anyone interested.
the 10 bullet points are:-.
My definition of religion is money.
The Rebel
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Reading some threads on this forum, I have concluded that in my opinion the opposite of love isn't hate but knowledge.
The Rebel.